
Aubrey Hirsch Biography

Aubrey Hirsch is a seasoned writer and illustrator from Cleveland, Ohio, who has published several personal essays and comics in the New York Times, Time MagazineVoxThe Nib, and elsewhere. She published a short story collection, Why We Never Talk About Sugar, in 2013, and her essays and stories have been published in anthologies and collections, including Roxane Gay’s Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape CultureWays of Reading: An Anthology for Writers, and Pittsburgh Noir

Hirsch is a 2022 National Endowment for the Arts Fellow in Creative Writing and a 2022 Sustainable Arts Foundation award winner for graphic memoir.

The topics of gender equity, parenthood, sexuality, friendship, public health, and other social equity challenges are all covered in Hirsch’s essays and comics. She has talked about experiencing threats and online harassment as a result of her outspoken feminism and support for underrepresented groups.

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