
Did Jesus Speak In Tongues? Facts Checked

The Bible does not explicitly state whether Jesus spoke in tongues as a regular practice. The New Testament provides accounts of instances when the Holy Spirit enabled people to speak in tongues, but there is no direct mention of Jesus speaking in tongues. Read on to find out from the scriptures what speaking in tongues is and whether Jesus was ever recorded in the Bible speaking or praying in tongues.

Speaking In Tongues

The primary biblical passage that discusses speaking in tongues is found in Acts 2, which describes the Day of Pentecost. In this account, the Holy Spirit came upon the apostles, and they began to speak in languages they had not previously known, allowing them to communicate with a diverse crowd of people gathered in Jerusalem. This event marked the beginning of the spread of Christianity to various language groups.

Significance of speaking in tongues

It’s important to note that speaking in tongues, as described in Acts 2 and other New Testament passages (such as 1 Corinthians 12–14), is often associated with the manifestation of the Holy Spirit and the early church’s experience of spiritual gifts.

These passages focus on the empowerment of believers to communicate the message of God to those who speak different languages, emphasizing unity and building up the church.

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Did Jesus Speak In Tongues?

While there is no explicit mention of Jesus speaking in tongues in the New Testament, it’s crucial to remember that the accounts of Jesus’ life, teachings, and interactions are centered on specific aspects of His mission and ministry.

The emphasis is often on His teachings, miracles, parables, and interactions with people, rather than on details such as whether He spoke in tongues.

If Christ were going to speak in tongues, it would have been logical for Him to do so at His baptism, when “the Spirit descended on him like a dove” (Mark 1:10). We know that moments after Jesus’ baptism, the Father spoke from heaven in words that all could understand (verse 11), but we have no record of Jesus speaking in tongues on this or any other occasion.

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Debate about Jesus Speaking In Tongues

Many advocates of today’s tongues movement assume that Jesus must have spoken in tongues. To bolster their point, they point to passages such as Mark 7:34, in which Jesus “looked up to heaven… with a deep sigh,” and Mark 8:12, when Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit” (ESV).

However, a sigh is not the same thing as the supernatural gift of tongues. Anyone can sigh, for any number of reasons, but it is no proof of the Spirit’s power. We have records of Jesus speaking in Aramaic, the commonest language spoken in Israel at that time (see Mark 5:41 and Acts 26:14).

Most likely, He was also conversant in Hebrew and Greek, since both of those languages were used as well. But whether or not Jesus ever spoke with supernatural power in another language, the Bible does not say…

In summary, while there is no direct biblical evidence indicating that Jesus spoke in tongues, the focus of the New Testament is primarily on His teachings, works, and the message of salvation that He brought to humanity. Speaking in tongues is more often associated with specific events in the early church’s history and the empowering work of the Holy Spirit among believers.

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