
Gladys Ricart video original twitter

Gladys Ricart video original twitter

Primal Instinct on Investigation Discovery tonight spotlights the case of Gladys Ricart, who was murdered by her former boyfriend, Agustin Garcia, on her wedding day.

At around 4pm on September 26, 1999, 39-year-old Ricart was at her home in Ridgefield, New Jersey, posing for her final round of photographs before heading off to the church in Flushing, Queens, to marry the love of her life, James Preston Jr., when Garcia walked in.

He told relatives that he was only there to send well-wishes to the bride, but when the then suit-clad 47-year-old walked into the living room area and came face-to-face with Ricart, they soon learned he had other plans.

In front of Ricart’s family and friends, Garcia fatally shot her three times with a 38-caliber Smith & Wesson he had taken from his briefcase.

Garcia was captured by police on the spot. A 10-minute-long video of the shooting was played in court during the trial.

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Garcia’s lawyer said that following their breakup months earlier, Garcia killed Ricart in an unexpected jealous rage after learning she was getting married to another guy.

Gladys Ricart video original twitter

When she discovered him cheating on her, Ricart ended their seven-year, violent relationship.
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According to the victim’s family, Garcia didn’t handle rejection well and started following Ricart. He used a gun to threaten her and said that if she didn’t want to be with him, she wouldn’t choose to be with anyone else.

Garcia wanted to be found guilty of manslaughter, but in 2002, the Bergen County Courthouse declared him guilty of first-degree murder. He was given a life sentence with a 30-year parole eligibility period.

In his appeal, he claimed that his shock at learning of Ricart’s marriage had temporarily driven him insane. His appeal, however, was turned down.

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