
Javier Canchi Video, A young man who was killed by Pandilleros in Bolivia.

Javier Canchi Choque, 17, overcame one of the most heinous deaths on October 29, 2016, when his ex-girlfriend’s pandilleros and friends set him on fire after forcing him to take Gasolina.

The incident occurred in Bolivia, and the case became well-known throughout the region as photos, films, and audio of the young man were shared after 80% of his body suffered from third-degree burns.

According to his own statements, everything happened when he was summoned on Saturday by his ex-girlfriend, Delia (15), who called him under the guise of needing to speak with him urgently.

The incident occurred on the mountain of Alto Sivingani in the city’s south, and as the young man awaited his departure, Delia arrived with her new boyfriend (René) and other members of the “Teddy Boys” and “Cártel Central” Padilla.

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Canchi suffered from paliza, and after discovering that the young guy was carrying gasoline, they were forced to tragársela and rosearlo con combustible to take his fire and turn him into a human torch.

Video de Javier Canchi

After hearing the boy’s screams, many neighbors came to his aid, and one of them grabbed Javier Canchi’s phone and asked him questions so that the incident and his testimony would be recorded.

“Por favor denme agua, quiero agua, échenme agua,” Javier begged his neighbors.

Javier Canchi sufrió quemaduras en todo su cuerpo. Foto: ZD Terror
Javier Canchi sufrió quemaduras en todo su cuerpo. Foto: ZD Terror

“Hermanito, your stare has chilled me. Their Delia girls have been. If I die, it will be because of her. I don’t think I’ll ever see my brother again. Me han pegado, me han tomar gasolina in la Loma y me han tomar Fuego. “I’m really sick,” Canchi lamented to his brother at the hospital.

Las quemaduras de Javier Canchi fueron de tercer grado. Foto: ZD Terror
Las quemaduras de Javier Canchi fueron de tercer grado. Foto: ZD Terror

The video, shot by neighbors, has gone viral, as have photos of the young man in the hospital, where he is severely burned and has a completely crimson face and black extremities.

Javier Canchi died the following day as a result of the severity of his injuries.

César Canchi en el hospital. Foto: ZD Terror
César Canchi en el hospital. Foto: ZD Terror

The perpetrators of the crime

The perpetrators were apprehended by the Bolivian police as a result of Canchi’s declarations.

The prosecutor charged René (16 years old), Guery V.R (16 years old), and Gustavo C. V (18 years old) as the crime’s material authors; however, Delia was charged as the crime’s intellectual author.

René fue capturado por la fiscalía. Foto: ZD Terror
René fue capturado por la fiscalía. Foto: ZD Terror

According to the victim’s statements, the plan was to save Javier, but when they registered his automobile, they discovered that he was carrying a bottle of gasoline that his father had told him to buy before arriving at the Loma.

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