LifestyleHealth & Wellness

7 Rules of Drinking Water The Right Way

Around 60 percent of our body is made up of water and we can only live three to five days without fluids. Water plays many significant roles in the body including regulating body temperature, excreting waste from the body, transportation of nutrients and digestion processes. As humans, it is vital to know the rules of drinking water the right way.

Everything created by nature has always been controlled by rules. For instance, drinking water is not as easy as you think, there are some basic rules that needs to be followed.

In today’s article, I will be telling you some of the best ways to drink water and some of the things to avoid when drinking water.

What are the rules?

  1. Not drinking enough water.
  2. Take enough water whenever you are taking your medication.
  3. Take water when you are drinking alcohol.
  4. Cold water is good for you.
  5. Don’t drink water all at once.
  6. Don’t consume water with plastic bottles.
  7. If you feel tried, drink water

1. Not drinking enough water

Water plays an essential role in the body. It helps in digestion, excretion and constipation. Likewise, it nourishes your skin, prevents kidney stones and eliminates toxins.

Not taking enough water has consequences such as getting tired easily, constipation and hard stools, having dark urine, headaches, etc.

2. Take enough water whenever you are taking your medication

Rules of drinking water the right way
Rules of drinking water the right way (Pinterest)

When you are taking your drugs, it is advised to take enough water. This is one of the basic rules of drinking water the right way.

This is because a full glass of water can prevents the oesophagus from getting irritated and trapped with drugs. It also helps in the body’s improved absorption of water-soluble vitamins such as vitamins B and C.

3. Take water when you are drinking alcohol

Rules of drinking water the right ways
Rules of drinking water the right way (Pinterest)

Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it promotes water loss through urine. It does this by inhibiting the production of a hormone called vasopressin, which plays a large role in the regulation of water excretion.

This can lead to dehydration. To avoid this, match your drinks one for one by drinking one glass of water for every cup of coffee or alcoholic beverage.

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4. Cold water is good for you

Rules of drinking water the right way
Rules of drinking water the right way (Pinterest)

The benefits of drinking cold water are limitless. Drinking cold water can help you lose weight, hydrate your body and even boost your metabolism rate. While cold water has a lot of health benefits, it is important to understand that you should not consume cold water if you have a cold, cough or flu.

It also prevents your blood vessels to not constrict and also avert the thinning of your mucus.

5. Don’t drink water all at once

Although it is a rare risk, drinking too much water at once can cause sodium imbalance in certain people, which could result in a seizure and other negative effects. But to reiterate, this is extremely rare.” At the end of the day, the most important thing is hydrating in the way that works best for your body.

Don’t wake up in the morning and take down a gallon of water. This is wrong. A glass of one or two is enough. Taking one litre of water per hour is good as well.

6. Don’t consume water with plastic bottles

Rules of drinking water the right way
Rules of drinking water the right way (Pinterest)

Plastic bottles are made with BPA, bisphenol A. Experts believe that BPA can enter your food and beverages. This can cause several medical issues such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular illness, and hormone imbalance.

There is also a worry that excess exposure to this chemical could cause birth abnormalities in newborn babies.

Dangers of BPA

7. If you feel tried, drink water

Taking water when you feel tried, is a result of having more energy. A lack of liquids can also cause your heart to work harder to pump oxygen all throughout your body. All of that spent energy can make you feel tired, sluggish, and less focused. Only by drinking more water, you’ll prevent dehydration and have more preparation to get through the day.

Due to the daily bodily activities, we humans lose a lot of water. These bodily activities include breathing and urinating and most importantly when you engage in strenuous activities.


Water is life. Yes it is but, before you take it, there are best ways to take it and there are some things you need to avoid when taking it.

Chika Aliede

I am a content writer that specializes on health, lifestyle and travel. I bring intuition and knowledge in the area of health, lifestyle and travel.

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