A Canadian man is seen on video pleading for his life just before he is killed by a Peruvian mob for killing a revered elderly shaman.
A Peruvian mob murdered a Canadian man after accusing him of killing a revered elderly shaman.
A 41-year-old man named Sebastian Woodroffe went to Peru to study natural medicine and seek enlightenment.
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Before he was slain by a mob for reportedly shooting the indigenous healer Olivia Arevalo Lomas, 81, dead, he was conducting research on psychedelic drugs in the Amazon rainforest.

According to CBC, Arevalo was a well-liked shaman who operated a successful treatment facility where he sold ayahuasca, an Indigenous concoction that induces hallucinations, to Westerners.

It\’s thought that Woodroffe is one of her patients. The two fatal shots that killed Arevalo on Thursday have been attributed to Woodroffe by Peruvian officials.
People in the Ucayali region of the Amazon jungle, who hold Woodroffe responsible for the killing of the healer, lynched him on the same day that Arevalo was murdered.

The Canadian guy, according to Peruvian authorities, was cruelly pulled by the neck through the rain jungle.
He was dragged around by a rope that was fastened around his neck.
Local media obtained a cellphone video of a guy believed to be Woodroffe pleading for mercy while being dragged between thatch-roofed dwellings by a rope around his neck.
In the footage, he is last seen lying still on the muddy ground.