To matter how old you are, Nigerian parents will never stop seeing you as a child. If you like make your beards look fuller, they always treat you like a child.
But, if you want them to take you seriously, here are the things you can do.
1. Become a disappointment

Nigerian parents become disappointed in you when you start making your own decisions. Get that tattoos, be okay with being a disappointment and live a happy life.
2. Bribe them

If they won\’t dance to your tune, give them money. Everyone likes money.
3. Become a father

I am not saying you should go an impregnate a woman. Being a father can be done in the proper way especially when people start calling \’Daddy Kunle\’. You can finally have a respect to your name.
4. Go and marry

You are the man of the house now. They probably feel happy that you are leaving their house.
5. Bring your partner home for sleep over
Introducing your parents to your partner isn\’t enough. You can start bringing in partner to the house to spend the night. Your parents might be wondering where you got the audacity from.
6. Pick up his mannerism

The earlier your parents starts seeing themselves in you, the quicker they realise you are grown up too. They start taking you seriously.
7. Drink with Dad

Start drinking with your Dad at home or at a bar. Nothing bonds two people faster more than conversations while drinking. They are bound to start showing you some respect when they see that you can hold your liquor.